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Decoding Skinner’s Verbal Operants: Mands, Tacts, and More

In the realm of psychology, few names are as recognizable as B.F. Skinner. Known for his theories on behaviorism, Skinner revolutionized the way we understand human behavior. Among his most influential contributions is the concept and analysis of verbal behavior through “verbal operants.” This article will delve into the nuances of Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior through operants – mands, tacts, and listener responding, providing a comprehensive understanding of these critical behavioral concepts.

a kid with autism was reading out loud | Decoding Skinner's Verbal Operants: Mands, Tacts, and More

What are Verbal Operants?

Before we delve into specifics, let’s first define what verbal operants are. According to Skinner, verbal operants are functional units of language, classified by the effect they have on the listener. They are distinct from mere words or sentences; instead, they represent the function of language development and the verbal response within the context it is used.

Skinner identified four primary types of verbal operants: mands, tacts, echoics, and intraverbals. Additionally, he later added two more categories: autoclitics and textuals. Let’s explore each of these in detail.


In Skinner’s framework, one verbal operant that is mands, that is controlled by a state of deprivation or aversive stimulation and is reinforced by the specific item or action that removes the deprivation or aversive condition. In simpler terms, a mand operant is essentially a demand or request. For example, when a child says “juice” because they are thirsty, that is a mand operant. The child is expressing a want or need, and the fulfillment of that need reinforces the behavior.


Tacts, on the other hand, are verbal operants that are controlled by nonverbal discriminative stimuli. Essentially, a tact is a comment made about the environment or a situation. For instance, if a child sees a dog and says “dog,” they are tacting. The child is labeling or commenting on something in their environment.

Listener Responding

Listener responding, also known as receptive language, refers to the behavior of the listener in verbal interactions. In this case, the speaker’s verbal behavior alters the behavior of the listener. For example, if someone says “look at that bird,” and you turn your head to see the bird, you are demonstrating listener behavior modification by responding.

Echoics, Intraverbals, Autoclitics, and Textuals

Echoics are verbal responses that are controlled by a verbal discriminative stimulus that has point-to-point correspondence with the response. In simpler terms, echoic behavior involves repeating or echoing what someone else has said.

Intraverbals are verbal responses to other verbal behavior or stimuli where there is no point-to-point correspondence. For instance, answering a question like “What’s your name?” is an intraverbal response.

Autoclitics are secondary verbal operants that modify the effect of primary operants (mands, tacts, etc.) on the listener. For example, saying “I think it’s going to rain” instead of “It’s going to rain” softens the assertion, making it an opinion rather than a fact.

Lastly, textuals involve reading or writing without any implications that what is being read or written is understood.

The children were telling gossip to each other.

Examples of Verbal Operants

To solidify our understanding, let’s look at some examples of verbal operants:

  1. Mands: A toddler cries, “Mommy!” when he scrapes his knee. The demand here is seeking comfort or help from his mother.
  2. Tacts: Upon entering a room that’s unusually warm, someone might say, “It’s hot in here.” This statement is a comment about the environment.
  3. Listener responding: A teacher tells her students, “Please turn to page 42.” The students who follow her instructions are exhibiting listener responding behavior.
  4. Echoics: If you say “Hello” when you answer the phone and the person on the other end also responds with “Hello,” they’ve demonstrated echoic behavior.
  5. Intraverbals: In response to the question, “How are you?” you might reply, “I’m good, thank you.” This response is an intraverbal.
  6. Autoclitics: If someone says, “I believe I left my keys in the car,” the phrase “I believe” serves to modify the certainty of the statement.
  7. Textuals: A student reading aloud from a textbook in class, irrespective of whether they comprehend the content, is exhibiting textual behavior.

By distinguishing these operants in everyday speech, we can better understand the functional units of language as defined by Skinner.

The Application of Verbal Operants in Parenting Children with Autism

Verbal operants can serve as a useful tool for parents of children with autism, aiding in the development of functional communication skills.

Mands, for instance, can be strategically nurtured to help a child express their needs and wants more effectively, thus reducing frustration and potential behavioral issues.

Tacts can be encouraged to foster a better understanding and engagement with the environment around them. Parents can prompt a child to label objects or describe situations, enhancing their observational skills and their ability to share experiences with others.

Listener responding can be developed to improve a child’s ability to follow instructions and engage in social interactions. By presenting clear, concise instructions and reinforcing positive reinforcement for successful responses, parents can gradually expand the child’s receptive language capabilities.

Echoics can be utilized to improve speech imitation skills, a crucial step in language development. Parents can model correct speech sounds and words, encouraging the child to imitate them, thus facilitating language acquisition.

Intraverbals, autoclitics, and textuals, although slightly more complex, can also be useful tools in advancing a child’s conversational and reading skills. By understanding and applying Skinner’s concepts, parents can play an important role in enhancing their child’s communication skills and overall social development.

3 kids with autism were playing with each other.

Verbal Operants and Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy leverages the principles of verbal operants to enhance the communication skills of individuals with autism. ABA therapists focus on reinforcing positive behaviors while reducing harmful or disruptive ones, promoting functional independence and social engagement.

Mands are cultivated in ABA therapy by encouraging individuals to make requests or express needs, teaching them the cause-and-effect relationship between verbalizing a need and having it fulfilled. This fosters self-advocacy and independence.

Tacts are promoted by constantly interacting with individuals and helping them label and comment on their environment. This assists them in better understanding their surroundings and expressing thoughts or opinions about it.

Listener responding is bolstered through exercises that involve following instructions or responding appropriately to verbal cues. This reinforces the individual’s attentiveness and comprehension.

Echoic responses are nurtured by having the individual repeat words or sentences to improve speech and language development. This also aids in imitation skills which are pivotal for social interactions.

Intraverbals are fostered by engaging the individual in conversation, asking questions, and encouraging them to respond, thereby enhancing their conversational skills.

Autoclitics and textuals are developed at more advanced stages of ABA therapy. Autoclitics help to refine the individual’s ability to convey details or clarify their speech, while textuals promote reading and writing skills.

Through systematic application of these operants in ABA therapy, individuals with autism can significantly improve their language abilities, social interactions, and overall quality of life. The therapy can be individually tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual, ensuring that they achieve the maximum possible benefit.

Verbal Operants and Nonverbal Children with Autism

Teaching these verbal operants can encourage language development in nonverbal children with autism, as learning skills within one operant can promote growth in others. For example, working on echoics can help improve a child’s pronunciation and enable them to build upon their language by speaking in sentences. Furthermore, Skinner described four verbal operants – mands, tacts, intraverbals, and autoclitics – that are directly applicable to the assessment and teaching of language to children with deficient language skills.

The implementation of verbal operants in non-instructional settings has also been empirically supported, indicating the potential for the generalization of these skills beyond structured therapy sessions. Overall, the systematic teaching and reinforcement of verbal operants play a crucial role in language development for individuals with autism.


Understanding Skinner’s verbal operants provides a comprehensive framework for understanding human language and communication. By categorizing verbal behaviors into mands, tacts, listener responding, and others, we can analyze and interpret spoken language in a functional and practical way that aligns with our natural behavioral patterns. These concepts not only revolutionize psychology but also offer valuable insights into speech and language therapy, education, and communication studies.

Children with autism, in particular, are encouraged through the application of these principles, empowering them to develop and expand their communication skills in meaningful ways.


Cooper, J.O., Heron, T.E., & Heward, W.L. (2007). Applied behavior analysis (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill-Prentice Hall.

Leaf, R., & McEachin, J. (1999). A work in progress: Behavior management strategies and a curriculum for intensive behavioral treatment of autism. New York, NY: DRL Books. 

Skinner, B.F. (1957). Verbal Behavior. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts

Sundberg, M.L., & Partington, J.W. (1998). Teaching language to children with autism or other developmental disabilities 

Sundberg, M.L. (1991). 301 Research Topics from Skinner’s book Verbal Behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 9, 81-96.

Autism and the Holidays: Navigating Celebrations with Sensitivity

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness for most families. However, for kids and families with an autistic member, it can also be a period of heightened stress and anxiety. The sudden shift from daily routines, the sensory overload from decorations, and the focus on the social expectations can be overwhelming for individuals on the autism spectrum. Understanding their unique needs and adapting our celebrations can make the holidays more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Image showing holiday celebration with calm decoration changes, emphasizing sensitivity.

Understanding Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication, and repetitive or restricted behaviors. Individuals with autism often thrive on predictability and normal routine and can be sensitive to changes in their environment. This sensitivity can increase during the holiday season due to the disruption of routines and the heightened sensory stimulation.

Challenges during the of children with autism and holiday season

For individuals with autism, the holiday season can present several challenges. The change in daily routines can cause distress and anxiety, as well as difficulties in managing their emotions and behaviors. The increased sensory inputs from bright lights, loud music, and crowded spaces can also trigger sensory overload, leading to meltdowns or shutdowns.

Moreover, social gatherings and interactions are expected during the holidays, which can be overwhelming for some children or individuals with autism who struggle with social skills and understanding nonverbal cues. The pressure to participate in activities or engage in small talk can also cause stress and anxiety.

A picture of gifts to symbolize the holiday season amid discussions about sensory overload.

Sensory Overload and the Holidays

Holiday celebrations often involve bright lights, loud music, loud noises, and a flurry of activities – all of which can be overwhelming for someone with autism. Overstimulation and sensory issues can lead to discomfort, distress, and even meltdowns. It’s important to respect the individual’s sensory boundaries, for example perhaps by toning down the decorations, reducing noise levels, and allowing them to retreat to a quiet space when needed.

Maintaining Routines

Disruption of daily routines during the holidays can cause anxiety for people with autism. Maintaining regular schedules as much as possible can provide a sense of security and stability. When changes in routine are unavoidable, preparing the individual in advance and providing visual schedules can help in managing transitions.

Children with autism enjoying holidays while maintaining routines

Social Expectations and Family Gatherings

Social gatherings are a hallmark of the holiday season. However, these can be challenging for many children and those with autism, who may struggle with social cues, large groups, and unstructured social time. Consider limiting the number of guests or the length of visits. Providing structured activities can also give kids a sense of predictability and control.

Tips for navigating the holidays with sensitivity

As family members and friends of individuals with autism, we can make the holiday season more enjoyable by being understanding and accommodating. Here are some tips and ideas for navigating holiday party celebrations with sensitivity:

  • Educate others about autism and its challenges during the holiday season.
  • Prepare the individual in advance by talking about what to expect, creating a social story, or using visual aids.
  • Respect their need for breaks and downtime in a quiet space.
  • Consider alternative ways of celebrating, such as virtual gatherings or small family gatherings instead of large parties.
  • Allow the individual to participate in their own way and at their own pace, avoiding pressure or expectations.
  • Be patient and understanding if a meltdown or shutdown occurs. Offer support and reassurance rather than criticism or punishment.
Celebrating holidays with sensitivity

Celebrating the holidays with inclusion and understanding

The holiday season is a time for coming together and celebrating with our family and loved ones. By being aware of the challenges faced by individuals with autism and making accommodations, we can ensure that everyone feels included and part of the festivities.

Inclusion is key to ensuring that everyone enjoys the holiday festivities. This could mean adapting traditions, so they are more autism-friendly. For instance, opening presents one at a time to reduce chaos, or using soft lights instead of flashing ones. It’s also important to communicate with other kids, family and friends about the individual or child’s needs to foster understanding and support.

Ways to make the holiday season fun for children with autism

  • Involve them in the holiday preparations, such as decorating the tree or baking cookies.
  • Create a sensory-friendly space with calming activities, such as a quiet corner with books or puzzles.
  • Engage in activities that are soothing and enjoyable for the individual, such as listening to music, watching favorite movies, or going for walks.
  • Plan low-key celebrations that don’t involve large crowds or overwhelming sensory stimulation.
  • Encourage and support their communication, whether verbal or nonverbal.
Child with autism enjoys holiday by listening to music, overthinking

Tips for Enjoying the Holidays with a Child with Autism

Enjoying the holidays with a child with autism can be a joyous experience when planned carefully. Here are some tips I found from various sources that can help make the festive season more enjoyable for everyone:

  1. Keep it simple: You don’t have to become Martha Stewart to have a great holiday. Focus on what makes your child happy and comfortable.
  2. Establish your own traditions: Autistic kids often thrive with routine and predictability, so create traditions that accommodate their needs.
  3. Incorporate special interests: If your child has a particular interest or hobby, try to include it in your holiday activities.
  4. Gradually decorate your home: If your child is sensitive to changes in their environment, introduce holiday decorations slowly over time.
  5. Look for autism-friendly events: Many communities offer events designed specifically for children with autism.
  6. Use Social Stories: These can help prepare your child for new situations and can be especially useful during the holiday season.
  7. Be flexible: The holidays can be unpredictable, so being flexible and ready to adapt plans as needed can help reduce stress.
  8. Avoid overly bright or blinking decorations and strong scents: Some children with autism are sensitive to sensory stimuli, so consider this when decorating.
  9. Bring your routine: Try to maintain your child’s routine as much as possible to help them feel secure.

Remember, every child is unique, so what works for one might not work for another. The key is to be patient, understanding, and ready to adapt as necessary.

In conclusion

The holiday season can be a joyful time for everyone, including individuals with autism. As well as celebrating Kwanzaa 2021, let’s embrace the principles of unity and community, and ensure that all members of our community feel valued and respected. By understanding their unique needs and adapting our traditions and celebrations, we can ensure that the festivities and holiday parties are inclusive and enjoyable for all. Let’s spread awareness and acceptance this holiday season, making it a truly magical time for every member of our community. As we also observe Every Kid Healthy Week, let’s prioritize the health and well-being of all children, including those with autism, by promoting healthy habits and lifestyles. Happy holidays!