Autism Resources in Atlanta - Hidden Talents ABA

Autism Resources in Atlanta

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November 30, 2022 Autism Resources in Atlanta

Many families become overwhelmed when a loved one is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, knowing where to begin looking for help can be a relief. 

Many autism resources in Atlanta, GA, are available to help parents and children with ASD gain the tools necessary for success. 

Understanding IEPs for Parents of Children with Autism is also crucial when exploring the available Autism Resources in Atlanta. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) play a vital role in ensuring that children with autism receive the support and accommodations they need to succeed in school. By understanding the components of an IEP, parents can advocate effectively for their child's educational needs and collaborate with school professionals to create a personalized plan that addresses their child's unique strengths and challenges.

Resource List for Children with Autism in Atlanta

Atlanta has many organizations aimed at helping those with developmental disabilities gain the help they need. 

Local charities, foundations, and support groups help families navigate the challenges of autism and discover aid and resources that may go overlooked.

Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities

The mission of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is to work for societal and policy changes and promote opportunities for diverse people with developmental disabilities and their families to thrive in their communities. 

The GCDD educates leaders, legislators, and the general public about how to include those with developmental disabilities in community life. In addition, it connects families seeking support and resources with the right programs for their needs. 

Easterseals of North Georgia

Easterseals of North Georgia supports those with autism and their families. By providing education, advocacy, and outreach services to those affected by ASD, Easterseals helps engage families with their communities and sets everyone up for success.

This nonprofit offers everything from child development screening to vocational services to relief opportunities for overwhelmed caregivers. Easterseals prides itself on its on-the-ground support for those with developmental disabilities.

Parent to Parent of Georgia

Parent to Parent of Georgia is widely recognized as one of the best resources for families seeking help and support. 

This organization offers a wide range of resources to support those with ASD from birth until age 26. By matching families with peer support and beneficial services, Parent to Parent helps those navigating new challenges. 

Families seeking information on resources, training, special events, and more can use Parent to Parent’s extensive database to identify the help they need and find information on how to access those resources.

Marcus Autism Center

The Marcus Autism Center is among the largest autism centers in the U.S. It provides families affected by ASD with access to research, comprehensive testing, and breakthrough treatments.

The center serves as an essential resource for those with autism. It also actively works to share research and train educators and care providers to help those with autism live better lives.

Social Skills Today

Social Skills Today provides respite opportunities for caregivers of those with ASD and other developmental disabilities. The organization offers summer camps, mini-break camps during the school year, social skills groups, and overnight camps. 

Its work meets two critical needs: providing social and behavioral skills training activities in a safe and nurturing environment and giving caregivers a well-deserved break. 

Best Buddies

Best Buddies of Georgia is a nonprofit organization committed to forging friendships, integrated employment opportunities, leadership development, and inclusive living situations for those with developmental disabilities. 

It focuses on ending physical, social, and economic isolation for those with ASD and other conditions and empowering people with disabilities to form meaningful relationships and positive roles in their communities. 

Threshold Community Program

Threshold Community Program works with teens and adults with ASD who struggle to live active, purposeful lives and form meaningful connections with others and their communities. 

Through family and transition services, education, and wellness, Threshold Community Program encourages independence and growth.

Pure Hearts of Georgia

Pure Hearts of Georgia is a nonprofit organization supporting children and adults with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Pure Hearts offers yoga and fitness classes, dance and music therapy, adaptive sports, arts and crafts, and other activities to those who may have difficulty in traditional programs. 

It also offers education and training sessions to parents and families about critical, relevant topics, hosts family meet-ups, and holds sensory-friendly events.

Spectrum Autism Support Group

Spectrum Autism Support Group supports the Atlanta autism community through events, programs, and resources. 

Families affected by ASD can take advantage of monthly support groups, respite programs, and family camps. At the same time, those with autism can benefit from day and overnight camps and social skills groups.

ABA Therapy in Atlanta

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy serves as the gold standard for supporting the developmental needs of those diagnosed with ASD. The ABA process works to understand, predict, and change behavior through the science of learning. 

This therapy effectively reinforces positive behaviors and reduces harmful behaviors. However, while ABA is a highly regarded approach, not all ABA programs are the same. 

High-quality ABA therapy is individualized to meet each child’s needs. When employed with care and respect, ABA therapy can increase communication and language skills, improve memory and social skills, and cultivate more extended periods of focus. 

Hidden Talents provides comprehensive at-home ABA therapy in Atlanta for your child regardless of where they are in their development and works with them as they develop the skills they need for success.

Raising awareness about these resources is crucial to ensuring that individuals with autism receive the support and care they need to thrive. Whether you're looking for therapy services, educational opportunities, or simply seeking connection with others who understand your journey, Atlanta's autism resources offer a range of options to meet diverse needs.